Calls for Collaboration & Contributions


The GlobalFungi Team seeks contributors to add to their global database of fungal observations. The GlobalFungi Database consists of fungal occurrences from high-throughput-sequencing metabarcoding studies. To submit your study, please visit their website. To learn more about the science behind the database, see their recent publication in Nature Scientific Data. More information on the motivation for the database can be found in Dr. Petr Baldrian’s recent blog post to the Nature Research Microbiology Community, “Global atlas of fungi - the GlobalFungi Database.” For further information about submitting your data, the GlobalFungi Team can be contacted at

Ika Djukic and the TeaComposition Initiative our looking for collaborators across the globe. Find out more in their announcement in Soil Organisms.

The Global Initiative of Crop Microbiome and Sustainable Agriculture is trying to establish a crop microbiome database. They need your help to collect this information. The requested samples are located on their website.

The German Biodiversity Exploratories has made available aboveground and belowground data from 3 management systems in Germany. They provide a unique scientific infrastructure to study consequences of changes in biodiversity for ecosystem functions and services by focusing on consequences of changes in land use and land use intensity. However, it is not known how diversities of different taxa are related to each other, and whether they, and their genetic diversities respond similarly to variation in land use. Therefore, research in real landscapes on feedback loops between landscape change, diversity of genes, species and biological interactions, and ecosystem services through combinations of monitoring approaches and measurements of functional diversity with designed experiments are being conducted. This data is free for use. To learn more about the study, you can visit their website or contact the coordination office of the Biodiversity Exploratories.